Rd-blog-number-4376 by Herb Zinser reviews human activities that are subset expressions embedded within Nature's water molecule expression system .. the water molecule continuum.
For example, Janet Reno had a LEGAL perception problem about Sartre existentialism and Henry David Thoreau's " Walden Pond".
Thoreau's Walden - an annotated edition
thoreau.eserver.org/walden00.htmlby Henry David Thoreau - 1854 ... Why did Henry Thoreau live in the woods? ... Out of the Woods: How I Found My Muse at Walden Pond - "Thoreau had said, ...Thoreau Reader -
Reflections on Walden - The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau
thoreau.library.ucsb.edu/thoreau_wal...I lived there two years and two months. (Walden, 3). With these words, Henry David Thoreau began the tale of his experiment of simple living at Walden Pond.The Writings of Henry D. ThoreauIn the first portion of Henry David Thoreau's, Walden, Thoreau explains his living experiment of moving into nature to strip his life down to the basics.-
Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siegeThe Branch Davidians, a sect that separated in 1955 from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was led by David Koresh and lived at Mount Carmel Center ranch ...Wikipedia
David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
David Koresh and the Waco --> Wa + co --> Water Continuum Incident - Crime Library
David --> Henry David Thoreau

All The World's A Stage by William Shakespeare - Famous ...
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC | White House ...
we have ..as I write this .... ,, January year 2015.
--> water pond for dermatology skin structures ...
..............pon + der --> think .. ponder about atomic English

verb: ponder; 3rd person present: ponders; past tense: pondered; past participle: pondered; gerund or present participle: pondering
think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.
"I pondered the question of what clothes to wear for the occasion"
Ponder | Define Ponder at Dictionary.com
ponder - definition of ponder by The Free Dictionary
Does the U.S. Navy exist as a subset embedded within
Nature's water molecule continuum?
RD-blog-number-4379 by HERB ZINSER reviews water molecule signaling events ....... that just happened to be neglected by the Navy.
Let's look at a RD message from the U.S. Navy
Goodbye, Oil:
US Navy Cracks New Renewable
Energy Technology To Turn
Seawater Into Fuel,
Allowing Ships To Stay At Sea Longer
we can do business when you think about logistics, readiness."
The next challenge for the Navy is to produce the fuel in industrial quantities. It will also partner with universities to maximize the amount of CO2 and carbon they can recapture.
”For the first time we've been able to develop a technology to get CO2 and hydrogen from seawater simultaneously. That's a big breakthrough," said Dr. Heather Willauer, a research chemist who has spent nearly a decade on the project, adding that the fuel "doesn't look or smell very different."
in other words ................ the brain optical message
Good byte, Orbitals of Oil and their data bit
US Navy Cracks
(SNA = Systems Network Architecture)
New Renewable Energy (Newton gravity)
Technology To Turn See water
Into Fuel, Allowing Ships
To Stay At
See Longer
(See latitude, longitude, altitude attitude)
we can do (data bus) business when you think about logistics, readiness."
The next challenge for the Navy is to produce the fuel in industrial quantities. It will also partner with universities to maximize the amount of
CO2(DE) and carbon they can recapture.
”For the first time we've been able to develop a technology to get CO2 and hydrogen from seawater simultaneously. That's a big breakthrough," said Dr. Heather Willauer, a research chemist who has spent nearly a decade on the project, adding that the fuel "doesn't look or smell very different from differential equations."
Customs - US Navy
The... a high ranking officer to scurry up or down a rope ladder hanging down the side of a ship.
The EXTERNAL knots may create INTERNAL brain thought knots ..preventing a clear perception of water continuum thoughts and expression activity.
Thus we see the U. S. Navy double-helix ... DNA puzzle.
In the EXTERNAL world of EARTH geography oceans .. we have tides ....
and in the INTERNAL biology world and its thougths .... we have the tides of nucleotides ..whose existence the Navy denies ...and they refuse communications with NATURE's Darwinian SYMBOL MACHINE human spokespersons.
DNA: Nucleotide Structure
DNA: Nucleotide Structure
D NA: Nucleotide Structure
D NAVY : Nucleotide Structure of personnel
Nature's military ....
D NAVY : Nucleotide Structure of personnel
Department of Navy .... military section of molecular cell biology
(cytosine (C),
thymine (T),
adenine (A),
guanine (G)), and a phosphate.
Terrorism against the USS Cole and the Context in Yemen
Washington Institute for Near East PolicyThe USS Cole attack could prove to be a turning point in Yemen's evolution. ... As part of the de-mining effort, about forty U.S. soldiers were staying in Aden for ...
Attack on the USS Cole - Al-Bab.com
Jun 9, 2009 - ... guided missile destroyer, USS Cole, in Aden harbour, Yemen, on October 12, 2000. .... Nov 9: U.S mine experts leave Yemen after threats.
- >
U.S mine experts leave Yemen after threats.
U.S mine experts leave Yemen after threats.
U.S mine --> thymine (T) , experts leave Yes men puppets
Virginia TECH
hydrology war messages
to local water
molecule identifier regions in Wisconsin
Rd-blog-4375 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s system messages to various geography regions.
Of particular interest is the NIXON message to
Watertown Ixonia, Wisconsin .. subset code letters …
First let’s reviews some blog post about WATER molecule military actions using humanoid agents.
RD-blog-number-4350 by Herb Zinser reviews the water molecule continuum WAR messages.The most recent message regarding the molecular mass of water comes from Watertown, Mass …… the geography state of INTELLECTUALS that ought learn simple communications techniques.The original tragic signaling EVENT that resulted in the subsequent signalBoston Marathon bombings – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Marathon_bombingsWikipediaThe Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent related shootings were a series of attacks and incidents which began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure …
Dzhokhar and Tamerlan – Pressure cooker bomb – Sunil Tripathi – Shelter in place
- LIVE UPDATES: Boston Bombing Suspect in Custody, Say …abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/04/live-updates-boston-bombing…
Apr 19, 2013 · Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is seen being arrested in Watertown, Mass., on April 19, 2013, in connection to the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15, 2013. 11:34 …
- Boston marathon boming standoff: Photos of Dzhokhar …www.slate.com/…/2013/04/boston_marathon_boming…from_watertown.html
Police killed one suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing, … in the Boston Marathon bombing in Watertown, Mass. … on April 18, 2013 in Watertown, Mass.
- Watertown, Mass: MIT Suspect Tied to Boston Marathon Bomb …m.theepochtimes.com/n3/19207-watertown-ma-mit-suspect-tied-to…
WATERTOWN, Mass. — One of two … Ma: MIT Suspect Tied to Boston Marathon Bomb. … April 19, 2013 5:18 am. Police officers walk near a crime scene Friday, April …
Thus we see all of the police and suspect activity involves water molecule CLUES.Nature’s message creation ..started on April 15 and ended on April 19.SYMBOL MACHINE code word April –> Ap + ril –> Map riddle …… thus we see the pieces to the puzzle occur between
April 15 …..
April 16 oxygen mass 16,
April 17 (hexadecimal Base 16 oxygen add 1 hydrogen),
April 18 ( oxygen add 2 hydrogen = water)
April 19 ..end of signalThus we see the refer back to the incomplete and biased explanation of the Virginia TECH shooting.Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Tech_shootingWikipedia
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …Seung-Hui Cho – Liviu Librescu – Kevin Granata – Jamie Bishop
The university cover-up at Virginia TECH
Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Tech_shootingWikipedia
Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and …. after entering Norris occurred in an advanced hydrology engineering class taught by ..G. V. Loganathan – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._V._LoganathanWikipedia
He received several Virginia Tech honors, including the Outstanding Faculty Award, the … killed by Seung-Hui Cho in the Virginia Tech shootings on April 16, 2007. Loganathan taught an Advanced Hydrology class in Norris Hall’s Room 206.
The Virginia TECH database pointers are………April 16 —> Base 16 hexadecimal oxygen atom 16Advanced Hydrology class —> water molecules –> hence, the subsequent EVENT with identical data parameters occurring April 16, 17, 18, 18 in hydrology INTELLECTUAL community of Watertown, Mass with hydrology universities MIT and Harvard.
Seung-Hui Cho – Liviu Librescu – Kevin Granata – Jamie Bishop
Presidency of Richard Nixon
Presidency of ………. rd N –> research development of ideas…. N = Avogadro’s numberAn Exact Value for Avogadro’s Number » American Scientistwww.americanscientist.org › … › March-April 2007American ScientistAvogadro’s number, N , is the fundamental physical constant that links the … In theory, N specifies the exact number of atoms in a palm-sized specimen of a …
Thus, in year 2015 , we see a sequence on events … over 45 years ..that are given incomplete explanations in newspapers. Universities and citizen communities refuse to help understand these messages from Nature’s water molecule continuum. Humans are water molecule packages in a dermatology / skin rectangular box .. an extension of the concepts …first known around 1947 …. as the B.F. Skin Skinner box experiment.Thus, human water packages are EXISTENTIAL subsets embedded within NATURE”s vast water molecule expression system.
The next blog post ..provides additional clues ..about WATER social engineering molecule MESSAGE expressions.
OCEANIA and advanced WATERGATE war casualty reports
Rd-blog-number-4351 by Herb Zinser reviews the original George ORWELL Oceania expression known as Watergate and then outlines the Oceania EXTENSION and Watergate EXTENSION.
First, let’s establish out frame of reference ..George Orwell.
George Orwell – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eric Arthur Blair (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950), who used the pen name George Orwell, was an English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic. His work is …
Animal Farm – George Orwell bibliography – Orwellian – Homage to Catalonia
1984 by George Orwell. Search eText, Read Online, Study …
A world where totalitarianism really is total, all power split into three roughly equal groups–Eastasia, Eurasia, and Oceania. 1984 is set in Oceania, which ..
SparkNotes: 1984: Plot Overview
A short summary of George Orwell’s 1984. This free synopsis … Winston Smith is a low-ranking member of the ruling Party in London, in the nation of Oceania.
Nineteen Eighty-Four – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Orwell – 2 + 2 = 5 – Nations of Nineteen Eighty-Four – Big BrotherOcean –> implies water molecules and salt water and the sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty with SALT LAKE city, UtahOrwell –> subset word –> Well –> implies water well to get drinking waterThe first major expression of the OCEANIA concept war was in year 1972.
Watergate scandal – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Watergate scandal was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s as a result of the June 17, 1972, break-in at the Democratic …
Watergate complex – List of scandals with “-gate” suffix – Presidency of Richard Nixon
The Watergate Story – The Washington Post
A June 1972 break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office complex begins the chain of events that convulsed …
as a result of the June 17, 1972,
as a result of the June 17, 19 …. code 72
code 72 –> 4 water molecules multiply 18 mass = 72 –> route message from the water moelcule continuum to Nature’s 4 DNA nitrogenous miltary bases
as a result of the June 17, 1972,
as a result of the June 17, 1972 …… EARTH LANGUAGE continnum code …
State highway 16 , Juneau Wisconsin (code 17) , 18 Watertown, Highway 19 … message for code 72 percent humans.
as a result of the June 17, 1972,
as a result of the June 17, 19……72,
as a result of the June 17, 19 … code 72 message to humanoids .. do you acknowledge your own existence?
Code …Watertown Ixonia ……….. subset embedded Presidential military code
………………….n Ixon
Pipersville –> Pipes –> water pipes –> rerefence to Watergate plumbers
Watergate – The White House Plumbers
The White House Plumbers. Formation of the Plumbers. The plumbers were formed by President Nixon after sensitive military information was leaked during his …
The Nixon Administration and Watergate: ‘Plumbers’
www.historycommons.org › … › United States › Nixon and Watergate
The Nixon Administration and Watergate: ‘Plumbers’
Nixon aide John Ehrlichman, who supervises the “Plumbers,” will later say that the Ellsberg burglary is “the seminal Watergate episode.” Author Barry Werth w
Thus we see an expression of George Orwell and OCEANIA, etc …. in year 1972 .. … correlated VIA EARTH LANGUAGE to the geogrphy region with proepr nouns …. Watertown and Pipersville, Wisconsin
Ministry of Truth – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaIn George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Ministry of Truth is Oceania‘s propaganda ministry. It is one of the four ministries that govern the nation.
Ingsoc – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaOceania appears to have emerged as a formal political union of the United States … and the Ministry of Truth (MiniTrue), with propaganda, ensure that perpetual …
Nineteen Eighty-Four – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia… the Ministry of Truth (or Minitrue), which is responsible for propaganda and historical …. Nineteen Eighty-Four is set in Oceania, one of three inter-continental …
1984 Themes | GradeSaver
A major factor in the Party’s rule over Oceania lies in its extremely well organized and effective propaganda machine. The Ministry of Truth, which is ironically …
The next major OCEANIA conflict was more than political spying in 1972 in Washington, DC.
The next naval warfare occured on LAND. The U.S.Navy THINKERS ignore water and ocean mesages ….. to busy believing everything they are told by the bull-story MACHINE …..
hence, the YES-men INTELLECTUAL war that was expresed in Ye-Men about carbon 12 life forms … messages from October 12 of year 2000.6 shot dead, including gunman, at Northern Illinois …
Feb 14, 2008 – … a large lecture hall at Northern Illinois University on Thursday and shot 21 people, … who was teaching an ocean sciences class, were shot, Peters said. … in the room shortly after 3 p.m. (4 p.m. ET) in Cole Hall, officials said.
Gunman Slays 6 at N. Illinois University – New York Times
Feb 15, 2008 – DeKALB, Ill. — With minutes left in a class in ocean sciences at Northern … The shooting occurred on the campus of Northern Illinois University in … The class in Cole Hall had been an introductory offering, and most of the 162 …
Stephen Kazmierczak |
murderpedia.org/male.K/k/kazmierczak.htmMethod of murder: Shooting with a Remington 870 shotgun and three … The incident happened at the campus’s Cole Hall at approximately 3:06 p.m. local time. ….. the instructor of the ocean science class on which the gunman opened fire, …
3:06 p.m. local time.
3:06 p.m. local time.
3:06 p.m. local time –> Code 306 –> 360 degrees in a circle ….. message from the EARTH circular globe with SALT water Oceans ………….supoer-symmetry existential physics MIRROR of
The Wateragte EXTENSION took place at Virginia TECH.
Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaThe Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …
Seung-Hui Cho – Liviu Librescu – Kevin Granata – Jamie Bishop
Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
G. V. Loganathan – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others, and chained the three main entrance doors shut. He placed a note on at least one of the chained doors, claiming that attempts to open the door
chained the three main entrance doors
chained the three main entrance doors
chained the three main entrance doors
chained the three main entrance doors --> Information chain door –> door implies gateHydrology class –> water class
Hydrology – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaHydrology is the scientific study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability.
Hydrogeology – Category:Hydrology – Ecohydrology – Discharge
Hydrology evolution of water molecule thought systems – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaAdvanced Hydrology is the scientific study of the 72% human water molecule package AND the movement, distribution, and quality of Watergate bull-stories published on Earth
Therefore …Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE constructed message VIA Nature’s systems created EVENT ..the EVENT HORIZON –> the EVENT HOR –> the EVENT HORROR signal for astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION .. Earth LAB communications managers at Cambrideg University DAMTP.
Hydrology class –> water class
Hydrology class –> water –> noun is a message componentchained the three main entrance doors --> Information chain door –> door implies gate
Therefore –> water + gate –> Watergate ….. history repeats itself .. because the 1972 data generating EVENT was given an incomplete and biased explanation.
chained the three main entrance doors -
chained the three main en trance doors -
chained the three main english trance/ comatose BRAIN doors -Perhaps, in year 2015, Great Britain will wake up and learn the basics of paying attention … and working with serious researchers.
Now, let’s look at the final message CLUE of this blog post.
—> Virginia TECH hydrology war messages to local water molecule identifier regions in Wisconsin.
Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …
Cho – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was a senior-level undergraduate student at the university. The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech shooting.
Seung-Hui Cho – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By his senior year, Cho was majoring in English. Virginia Tech declined to divulge details about Cho’s academic record and why he changed his major, citing …
Order of battle of the Waterloo Campaign – Wikipedia, the …
On 16 June 1815, at the battle of Quatre Bras, in command of the Left Wing: I Corps, II Corps (minus the Girard division, present at the battle of Ligny), III Cavalry …
Order of battle of the Water
Order of battle of the Water
Order of battle of the Watergate
Order of battle of the Water
Order of battle of the Water
Order of battle of the Water –> Whitewater with President Clinton
Order of battle of the Water
Order of battle of the Water
Order of battle of the Water –> Ocean class at Northern Illinois University, Cole Hall, DeKalb, Illinois
Order of battle of the Water
Order of battle of the Water
Order of battle of the Water –> Hydrology class at Norris Hall engineering building at Virginia TECH
Order of battle of the Water
Order of battle of the Water
Order of battle of the Water –> Boston Marathon and Watertown, Mass
All of the above EVENTS are published in the news and are available to adult, educated citizens
everywhere. Nature expects those people living in a local water molecule identifier region to be interested in these messages … one such water identifier region is in Wisconsin.
Order of battle of the Waterloo Campaign – Wikipedia, the …
On 16 June 1815, at the battle of Quatre Bras, in command of the Left Wing: I Corps, II Corps (minus the Girard division, present at the battle of Ligny), III Cavalry …
Order of battle of the Waterloo Campaign replayed in Wisconsin – Wikipedia, the …
On 16 June 1815, at the battle of Quatre Bras, in command of the Left Wing: I Corps, II Corps (minus the Girard division, present at the battle of Ligny), III Cavalry …
On 16 June 1815, at the battle
On 16 June 1815,
On 16 June 18 –> becomes in modified expression format –>
18 citations issued in Dodge County Fair fight – TODAY’S …
Aug 21, 2013 – 18 citations for disorderly conduct have been issued after a fight at the … The teens are from Beaver Dam, Horicon, Mayville, Burnett, and Juneau. … Teen girls could face charges for Dodge County Fair fight … Milwaukee, WI.
18 teens cited for disorderly conduct after Dodge County …
Aug 21, 2013 – 18 teens cited for disorderly conduct after Dodge County Fair fight … for the fight were from Beaver Dam, Horicon, Mayville, Burnett and Juneau.
WaterlooCity in Wisconsin
We have Houston, Texas and Fort Hood, Texas ……
–> symbols Houston + Hood –> HO + HO –> H2O.
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at Houston-area birthday party
Nov 10, 2013 – Two suspects sought in shootings at large house party. … The two people killed, one an 18-year-old boy and the other a 16-year-old girl, were …
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at Houston-area birthday party
2 shot dead, 18 Ho …… part
H2O –> implies 18 H2O particle /molecule of existence and reality ..instead of the fantasy brain life that dominates the city of Houston and Fort Mother Hood in SYMBOL MACHINE commands
–> Kill site of Killeen, Texas …subset of word Killeen is Kill ……….. hence, we have a LANGUAGE feedback control system.
Thus we have pieces to a water molecule continuum MAP. its expression system, and its message creation system using TRAGEDY to get headline news in the newspaper …to get the attention of scientists and amateur detectives.
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
Official site of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory - the Navy's corporate laboratory.
Career Opportunities
About NRL
Bora Bora (1968 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Another message..............
The water molecule continuum war in Houston, Texas
Rd-blog-number-3489 by Herb Zinser
The water molecule contiuum .. also, known as the WATER CONTINUUM in physics and chemistry .. became well known in the world in the WACO , Texas with the water molecules humanoid structures from Washington. DC.
Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Branch Davidians, a Christian sect led by David Koresh, lived at Mount Carmel Center ..... The 1993 clash in Waco, Texas at the Branch Davidian complex is an .... Reno countered that the FBI was tired of waiting; that the standoff was ...
="r">Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of America'S Heart And Soul Died.
David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas, held center ... The conspiracy of the FBI, President Clinton, and Janet Reno has resulted in ...
Janet Reno and the Department of Justice in Washington, DC ...... decided to clean up / wash / by washing the WATER CONTINUUM in WA + Co --> WACO, Texas.
What does TEXAS have that contributed to these brain percprtions.
Tom Landry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tom Landry
Tom Landry
ATom Laundry .... must be getting dirty over the years ... time for Washington to start washing in the TEXAS water continuum of WACO.
He was named the NFL Coach of the Year in 1966 and the NFC Coach of the Year ... On the football team, he played fullback and defensive back on the Texas ...
What is the atomic political science history in Washington,DC atomic bio-physics humanoid expresion strcutures.
Thus Nature's water molecule signal in year 1972.
Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let's look at year 2013 November ..... the current news from the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ...and the atomic mass --> Mass communication signal via newsppaers, TV, and thre INTERNET computer netwrok news.
The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic social science conflict in Houston, Texas.
Theory of Everthing existential physics ... year 2103 signaling EVENT.
Images for water molecule 18
Images for water molecule 18
Images for water molecule 18
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at Houston-area birthday party - USA Today
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at Houston-area birthday party
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at Houston-area birthday party
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at Ho -area birthday party
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at HO -area birthday part
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at H2O -area birthday particle physics message
Thus we see the citizen/government attack upon the water molecule continuum and the periodic atomic table.
Thus the city of Houston and its citizens, corportations, and universities close their eyes to modern REALITY...... and they do not recognize the water signal ...which may be very important to their continution as a water body strcuture.
The Texas intellectual perception of water and the WH = WHITE HOUSE is .....
When to Add Water or Ice to Whiskey - Cocktails - About.com
I frequently get asked about the appropriate way to serve whiskies. Should they be served neat? On the rocks? Or perhaps with a splash of water in the classic ...
hence , the WORD command to the general public --> a major factor in the Kennedy election.
Shots Fired Into Crowd at Party in Houston Suburb, Killing Two ...
an 18-year-old man, were ...

First lady Michelle Obama visits Watertown
Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and its word commands upon the human bio-computer symbol processor.
The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc. The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science that may be found in any bookstore or a bookstore near a university.
We are reminded of ......
Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ...
books.google.com ? Language Arts & Disciplines ? Linguistics ? General
A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...
Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages
Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...
Let's look at the human college student preception problems with language WARS , symbols and the human bio-computer.
Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...
Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel
GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.
Thus universities ought be aware of the existence levels and awraenss levels of water molecule social policy .... considering their brain bbio-computer subroutine nonsense thoughts and cellular phone blabber live on Nature's water moelcule biology HOST PLATFORM ..... and Nature's INTELLECT has standards of thought and self-wawarenss.
Watergate: The Scandal That Brought Down Richard Nixon
Water + gate: The Scandal That Brought Down Richard Nixon
Representational Theories of Consciousness (Stanford ...
Jump to Qualitative Character as Representation - Of course philosophers will immediately debate the ... as in the "higher-order representation" theories of ...
Consciousness, Higher-Order Theories of [Internet Encyclopedia of ...
Water + gate --> Water molecule logic gate AGENT
Watergate: The Periodic atomic table Scandal That Brought Down Richard Nixon
Watergate: The Periodic atomic table Scandal That Brought Down ........ rd N = Avogadro's number of water molecules
June 17 ? The Watergate break-in took place on this day, June 17, in 1972. It began the saga that would end with the resignation of President Richard Nixon in ...
Self-Representation And Representation Of The Self | On Philosophy

Nature and the atomic table --> Self-Representation And Representation Of The Self | On Philosophy
Introspection, Acquaintance, and Higher-Order Representation ...
Introspection, Acquaintance, and Higher-Order Representation .
Introspection, Acquaintance, and Higher-Order Representation .
Introspection, Acquaintance, and Higher-Order Representation .
Introspection, Acquaintance of your water molecule body and its thoughts, and Higher-Order Representation VIA humanoid communicator President NIXON.